Lockdown Gifting


This is going to be such a tricky year to get together and show the people you care about how much they mean to you, so here’s a little something to make life easier. I’m offering to wrap your presents for you, and if you are sending the present straight to your friend or relative you can include a personal, handwritten message instead of an invoice. My parents ran a shop when I was growing up so they were always super busy around Christmas, to help out, I used to wrap the whole family’s presents of Christmas eve. Now you can take advantage of my years of experience! I’ve chosen my specially designed, sustainably printed tissue, I’m using a no tape wrap method and vintage cotton ribbon from my grans stash so it’s super easy to reuse or recycle the gift wrap. If you’d like me to wrap your presents, just tick the box at checkout and add your message.


Exciting News!


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